TechBot Privacy Policy

Privacy is of utmost importance to me, so I can definitively say that none of the data gathered from servers or users is used for marketing purposes, sold or transferred. It is simply used for the function of the bot or identifying bugs or issues to fix. Below you can see all of the data that is collected, and for what purposes.


When an error occurs upon issuing a command or otherwise, a record of the error is sent to a private channel in the TechBot support server for the developers to review. Only the developers have access to this channel, and it is only used to identify and fix bugs with the bot. Information that is sent in the error log includes:

  • Command issuer name and ID
  • The original message that triggered the error
  • The guild name, ID, and channel ID in which the error occurred
  • The contents of the error

Direct Messages

Direct messages (DMs) sent to the bot are forwarded to a private channel within the TechBot support server for the developers to review, alongside the ID, name, and profile picture of the user who sent the message. Attached media, such as images and videos, are also sent there. Once again this information is only used to identify potential bugs or issues with the bot, and is only available to the bot’s developers.

Server Info

When the bot is added to a server, the following information is stored:

  • Guild ID
  • Bot prefix
  • Welcome module
    • Status (enabled/disabled – disabled by default)
    • Message (what is sent when a member joins)
    • Channel ID (where the welcome message is sent if enabled)
  • Slur Detector module
    • Status (enabled/disabled – disabled by default)
    • Moderation channel (where the moderation message is sent)
  • Music module
    • Status (enabled/disabled – disabled by default)
    • Music channel (where Spotify or YouTube URLs are detected and relevant information is sent)
  • Text Responder module
    • Status (enabled/disabled – disabled by default)
    • Triggers

Music Module

The music module uses the Spotify and YouTube APIs to pull information about videos, channels, playlists, artists, songs, albums, etc. No user data is passed into the Spotify or YouTube APIs to do this, however – only the ID pulled from the URL required to request said information.

Text Responder Module

Upon registering a text responder trigger, the following information is stored:

  • Trigger text (what triggers the response to be sent)
  • Response text (what is sent once triggered)
  • Text responder type (what counts as a trigger)
  • The user ID of the user who added the text responder
    • This is for server admins to identify who added which responder, and is not used for any other purposes.

Said data as listed above is deleted once a responder has been removed.

Slur Detector Module

If enabled, the slur detector module checks messages against a common list of slurs. If one is identified, this message is deleted and a copy of the message, as well as the user ID of the user responsible for the message, is forwarded to the specified moderation channel within the server for moderators to review and take action upon. For the reaction system to work, the following information is stored on a case-per-case level:

  • The user ID of the user responsible for the original message.
  • The message ID of the message forwarded to the moderation channel.
  • The channel ID of the moderation channel

This information is deleted once the case is closed, which is when a moderator reacts with any of the reactions applied to the message sent in the moderation channel.